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The Neural Concept:


The neural concept is in fact a revolutionary idea because now the swimmer is also involved in working towards bettering his technique. By doing this the swimmer is doing the evaluation, getting immediate feedback on their  movements and guiding the stroke on the basis of this information.
The Neural Concept refers to a swimmer’s intuitive ability to recognize and effectively handle the water. It is generally believed that a swimmers appreciation of the neural concept of the water is an elusive quality that is unique to the talented athlete; with swimmers of only average ability not having any hope to emulate the acute sensory perception of the talented motor genius.
Nevertheless, Swimmers Acceleration™ has proven that by heightening the sense of neural awareness and by learning how to interpret these neural sensations of moving pressure, balance and alignment swimmers of average ability can acquire the subtleties of advanced stroke technique.
Talented swimmers coached in this method will likewise achieve greater expertise.
Water will flux (move) when any force acts on it; and a swimmer’s hand should always propel against the pressure of moving water. The force exerted by a skilled swimming stroke causes the water to flow in a distinct pattern.
Swimmers Acceleration's™ methodology teaches swimmers how to feel for the ideal water flux reaction to their personal stroke mechanics and thus receive instant feedback on their efficiency.
This revolutionary new approach teaches swimmers amongst other things how to: Control the in-build ‘Flight - Fight – Freeze’ mechanism within our human system. Alter their skeletal posture for maximum application of power. We teach you the swimmer how to:  


Anticipate, Control, and Manipulate the water as you swim.



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