Immersive Neural Training
At one time, scientific consensus held that the human mind became inflexible after a certain age. Today, improved imaging techniques have demolished that theory. Researchers now understand that the brain actively adapts to new environments, tasks, and stimuli throughout our lives. This phenomenon is known as neuroplasticity.
Neuroscientists still today continue to discover how the human brain actively adapts to new circumstances and stimuli. They have also discovered the phenomenon of mirror neurons—neurons that fire not only when you move, but when you observe someone else moving.
The immersive Neural Technique Training (NTT) experience uses these discoveries as the basis for an advanced, audiovisual experience that activates the neural hardware responsible for muscle movement. In essence, it downloads specific physical movements directly to the nervous system. Our approach activates specific regions of the brain associated with movement
Neural Technique Training for recreational swimmers:
Experience neural technique training through our immersive head mounted display) to significantly enhance your performance in as little as 10 minutes’ time... Advance more quickly than you ever thought possible.
Neural Technique Training for Club, Open Water, Triathletes and elite swimmers:
Professional teams, Olympic athletes, and U.S college level coaches are already using NTT as a tool to help their athletes achieve record-setting performances. The ability to teach fine details of movement helps the best get better, correct bad habits, and then refines the smallest details of critical motions. Neural Technique Training provides custom consulting and training content as well as hardware for the most immersive and efficient movement learning experience.