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The traditional approach to swimming technique training has been to focus upon improving physical movement in the swimmers muscle groups and a constant repetition of outdated drills.
The parametric principle of teaching technique is based upon the knowledge that any muscle cannot work to their full potential without the focus being shifted to the neural system coupled with a corrected functional posture for the particular stroke.
The essence of our technique sessions is therefore a programme in which the swimmer is working on improvement of one variable (neural hip Balance for example.) while keeping the other variables constant. Variables are labelled as "parameters".
Since there is an infinite number of parameters and combinations influencing the swimming technique of any particular person depending upon their flexibility, past training, present and future goals it can be seen that an individual technique programme must be developed for each and every swimmer/client.
If you are like 99.9% of the global population your body is probably out of alignment when you swim or participate in any form of training for swimming. This misalignment is the result of incorrect neural and kinetic postural patterning and compensation via poor instruction. This results in stored tension and shortened levers.


So, what is Neural Kinetic Posture?


According to the academy of Orthopedic Surgeons posture committee as far back as 1947, posture is:
"That state of muscular, neural and skeletal balance which protects the supporting structures of the body against injury or progressive deformity, irrespective of the attitude in which these structures are working or resting. Under such conditions the muscles will function most efficiently..."
The key to the above statement is Balance, for it is balance or its antagonist imbalance that appears to be one of the major influences in creating structural misalignment resulting in poor performances and or injury. Indeed there is much evidence to suggest that chronic neural imbalance can result in Postural Distortion Patterns that can lead to the cumulative injury cycle. This appears to make sense, especially if the kinetic chain concept is applied to the equation.
In any sport the Neural Kinetic Chain can be best described as a movement system consisting of myofascial (muscular), Articular (joints) and neural (motor) components with each being dependent on the others for optimum performance, both statically and dynamically. This movement system requires precision of movement based on the alignment and mechanics of each joint as well as how these joints are recruited to create a movement pattern.
In simple terms, the movement produced at any joint in the kinetic chain directly affects the joints above and below it. Dysfunction in any one of these systems may have direct and detrimental effect on the function of its neighbours.
Clearly then, there is much to concern ourselves with when applying any technique change to those that swim, competitively or for fitness, as every programming decision we make will affect the systems of the kinetic chain.This is obvious of course, but have you ever stopped to think of it in this way before? Now 'Understanding the why becomes much more important?


Why Do These Imbalances Occur?


Firstly, as we stated earlier we are ALL imbalanced to some degree; even if our posture is considered optimal. This is because there is actually an inbuilt ideal imbalance between the muscles crossing any joint e.g. Knee extensors/flexors, plantar flexors/dorsiflexors.
This is simply a reflection of the functional roles of these muscles and beyond the scope of this Introduction.The muscle imbalances that we must concern ourselves are those that create technique Alignment distortions, that affect structural function.


Swimmers Acceleration and  Technique:


As I have already stated,the traditional approach to swimming training and technique has been to focus upon improving physical strength in the muscle groups and constant repetition of certain outdated drills and very outdated methodologies.
The Swimmers Acceleration™ way of teaching and coaching technique is based upon the knowledge that any muscle cannot work to their full potential without engaging the swimmers neural system before engaging their tendons and ligaments.We couple this with a corrected functional posture for the given imdividual swimming technique.
The essence of Neurotech Swimming™ is therefore a programme in which the athlete or client is working on improvement of one variable (Line or Hip Balance for example.) while keeping the other variables constant. Variables are labelled as "parameters".
Since there is an infinite number of variables and combinations influencing swimming technique of any particular person depending upon their flexibility, past training, present and future goals it can be seen that an individual technique programme must be developed for each and every swimmer.
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