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Olympians are presented as models for the ideal swimming technique performance.  This can help to a certain degree because research shows that faster swimmers have a more effective technique than slower swimmers.


However, copying another swimmers technique will hinder your progression as this technique is not built around your personal strengths and weaknesses.


Research has revealed that even the world’s fastest swimmers have technique limitations, including Olympians, World champions, and World Record holders. It is for this reason, that Neurotech Swimming™ was developed.


Neurotech Swimming™ uses a bio-mechanical, neural and skeltal model that has at its core, the principles of how the water reacts or flows according to the laws of fluid dynamics.


Technique instruction as offered by current online swimming technique companies and through the countless number of books and magazine articles that can be purchased without fail, all see the subject of swimming technique in terms of 'what is done'. The content will break the stroke down into very detailed "units" of motion that will represent the swimmers 'out put'.


This then, will be reinforced through the many swim camps, 1-2-1 personal instruction courses and weekend clincs through the use of underwater video equipment and advatars.


In other words, the technique is taught by demonstrating how the desired movement should look regardless of the swimmers  personal strengths and weaknesses, rather than helping the swimmer to discover how it should feel. It is though the very element that the swimmer travels through namely the water ... is taken for granted.



Want to swim your fastest Open Water time? Be it 1500m, 5k, 10k or more. Contact us for advice on training and stroke technique. 

In triathlon swimming it is technique more then swim training that sorts the great performers from the rest. Learn how to improve your swim times in the pool or open water via improved technique.

"P.A.C.E.R + training is in my view the BEST TRAINING SYSTEM I have ever worked with. I highly recommend P.A.C.E.R."


Duncan McCreadie

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