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Our approach teaches the swimmer to seek out, anticipate and then control and work with the flux or flow of the water. Our clients learn that their arms do not just function as propelling agents but also as skilled and very sensitive “organisers of water flow”


In outlining any of the four swimming strokes swimming companies today promote and focus on what movements a swimmer should perform. This focuses the swimmers mind on waht they should be doing.


The analysis presented by these coaches and swimming companies always breaks down the “action” into detailed and often confusing “units of movement” representing the swimmers output. 

Today’s so called “enlightened” swimming coaches and companies ignore the swimmers input, partley because they make the mistake of taking this for granted but mostly because it requires an understanding by the instructor of how the human machine works. In over twenty years of coaching at every level from novice to Olympic medal winners I have witnessed countless technique classes without hearing any reference to the medium the swimmer is in, namely the water and what the swimmer should be feeling!


There are many excellent technical articles that appear in magazines and even a greater number of dubious  articles, that appear on the web that promote the “doing” but fail to ever mention the role played by the medium the swimmer is actually in, namely the water. The so called "accepted" methodology of presenting a technique instruction/correction lesson or course is by demonstrating the desired movement rather than talking about how it should feel.


The more the swimmer is asked to "copy" a particular movement the more the swimmer is moving away from the correct movement for that particular swimmer, as complex swimming actions depend upon individual and personal sensory impulse such areas as: balance and the relationship of the swimmers limbs all join to produce a smooth and coordinated swimming technique.


Since my return from Australia and the South Australian Instsitute of sport, I have become very disilusioned about the methodology of instruction presented by commercial swimming companies, and decided to develop an alternative way of presenting swimming skills that will increase a swimmers velocity through the water especially as I am a former International Swimming Coach for Ireland and the G.B Modern Pentathlon Olympic and Elite Teams.

neural swimming technique neural swimming technique neural swimming technique neural swimming technique neural swimming technique neural swimming technique neural swimming technique neural swimming technique neural swimming technique neural swimming technique neural swimming technique neural swimming technique neural swimming technique neural swimming technique neural swimming technique neural swimming technique neural swimming technique neural swimming technique neural swimming technique

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